Four Types of Walk
There is currently a four week cycle of walks with one of each type repeating. They usually follow the sequence: Easy, Intermediate, Road, Hill Walk. All walks are led by a club member with appropriate experience and navigation skills.
Notice of walks is emailed to members but also appears on Facebook, this website and in the Southern Star.
EW – Easy Walk (grade E):
These walks are intended for members who are not able for long, hard walks. Easy Walks are typically up to 2hrs, less than 6km, easy terrain, road, beach, good paths, gentle pace. Easy Walks usually start at 1:45pm.
RW – Road Walk (grade D):
These Sunday afternoon walks, normally about 10km and taking up to 3 hours, are generally in the West Cork area. Sometimes we journey out to walk in the peace and quiet of our local offshore islands. Road Walks typically start at 1:45pm, maybe earlier in mid-winter.
IW – Intermediate Walk (grade C):
These walks are more demanding than road walks, as they include some rough ground. They are aimed at those members who do not yet have the skills and fitness to go on a hill walk, but would like something a bit more challenging . Typically mixed terrain up to 10 Kms, up to 300 m ascent, typically 3 hrs at an easy/moderate pace. IWs often start at 11am but in winter might start a little earlier.
HW- Hill Walk (grade B/A)
Hill Walks are for fit and experienced members only.
Grade B: demanding, typically 4-5hrs moderate pace, up to 500m ascent;
Grade A, challenging, typically 6 hours, brisk pace, rough ground, typically over 600m ascent.
Hill Walks venture further afield, are longer and more challenging regarding a walker’s ability to cope with different terrains. They are mostly off road and require full walking gear. Typically walkers meet and car share with the walk starting anytime from 10am onwards.
Avoid turning up for a hill walk only to be turned back because you are not suitably dressed.

Walking Gear
These requirements are aimed mainly at Intermediate and Hill walkers.
The weather in the mountains can change very quickly and, indeed, it is often very different from where you set out in the morning. It is essential to be kitted out for all weather conditions. We therefore recommend:
- Waterproof hiking boots and gaiters
- Waterproof jacket
- Waterproof leggings (overtrousers)
- Walking trousers – (not denim)
- Warm layers, e.g. T-shirt and fleece
- Hat and Gloves.
- Rucksack with padded shoulder straps.
- Lunch and plenty of fluids incl. hot drink
Avoid turning up for a walk only to be turned away because you are not suitably dressed.
Note – Grades A – E are broadly similar to those used by other walking clubs in Ireland, but as there is no nationwide agreement on the meaning of the grades, caution is advised. There are a few words of explanation against each grade above but to be certain that you are within your capabilities you should discuss the walk with the leader if you are in any doubt as to your fitness and equipment.